You’re familiar for sure with Carola Pisaturo’s delightful skills as a dance dj and producer, aren’t you? But you may better know that Carola’s musical vision has always been 360 degrees wide.
Last September, there was an amazing proof: she was called to add her musical taste to the amazing “Egg & Skulls” videomapping conceived by visual artist Franz Cerami. What we want to underline is the fact this event was hosted and firmly wanted by MADRE, one of the greatest art institutions within the Mediterranean, a museum and art centre based in Naples.
Let us add that the other musician contributing the sound design of “Egg & Skulls” was Enzo Avitabile, a true legend within the Italian music scene, as his way of combining since the very 70’s the Neapolitan melodic tradition with jazz, funk and advanced pop is simply outstanding. You may find more information here, at the official MADRE website: