CASAMIA | Ralf’s new project @ No Name – Ibiza
Venerdì 26 Giugno | Casamia “opening Party” dalle ore 17.00 alle 00.00 @ No Name – Ibiza
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Venerdì 26 Giugno | Casamia “opening Party” dalle ore 17.00 alle 00.00 @ No Name – Ibiza
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– How’s your day been so far? Great actually. I’m in Berlin producing my new EP for Einmusika Recordings, so I’m sort of alternating between the studio and sightseeing. And of course there are some excursions at night, but I would define this as ‘clubseeing’! – What was the first[…]
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24|05|2015 RALF ON THE BEACH Mezzogiono / Mezzanotte __________________________ Purple Beach / Monopoli (Ba) www.guendalinadventure.it
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Flash Artist Booking is a dynamic, young and independent agency that has emerged from the Cocoon Artist Booking agency. The agency is designed for the artist operating in today’s fast moving international marketplace, offering vital support and advice for its talented roster of artists. Sunday June 21 sees the Flash[…]
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EDNIC is the Italian duo of Nicola Di Gabbia and Edoardo Cortopassi, and by all intents and purposes, they’re an outfit that’s on to a good thing right now. The guys make quality, analog-enriched house and techno, the likes of which comes to the fore here on Puas Puas, a[…]
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domenica diciassette maggio 12 ore dalle 18.00 alle 06.00 Line Up TBA Visuals M:CK & RE-BUILDINGS Ticket 8 Euro Powered by L-ACOUSTICS + TWENTY TWO live URBAN CLUB Via Manna Sant’Andrea delle Fratte – PERUGIA Evento Facebook
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DJ Ralf, da trent’anni alla consolle per far ballare diverse generazioni: “In Italia non abbiamo festival importanti. Il problema? L’ipocrisia” “Avevamo una cosa che c’invidiava l’Europa ed era il Rototom. L’abbiamo dovuto esportare in Spagna perché era impossibile tenerlo in Italia. Ci voleva più polizia lì che per un derby[…]
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Nata in Puglia, innamorata subito della musica, polistrumentista, parte del progetto We Love di BPitch Control Records, resident Tenax, Giorgia Angiuli è un personaggio che anima il nostro orgoglio italiano. Ciao Giorgia, benvenuta su Parkett. Ciao a tutti amici di Parkett 🙂 Leggendo la tua storia abbiamo notato che ci[…]
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Continuiamo con un set esclusivo di Carola Pisaturo i podcast firmati dagli artisti del nostro management. Segui il canale soundcloud de LATERRA management dove periodicamente verranno caricati mixati, tracce e remix inediti.
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Simoncino talento Made in Italy che tutti ci invidiano! STAY UP! è il nome del nuovo appuntamento del weekend mantovano targato The Lift. Ad inaugurare la serata un italiano, Nick Anthony Simoncino. Ventinovenne perugino, braccia tatuate ed espressione da gangsta, con una passione per gli pseudonimi (ha prodotto come Jack[…]
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Quindicimila giovani hanno invaso Cattolica domenica per l’atteso evento “Ralf in Bikini”: una mega-discoteca a cielo aperto che per 12 ore, da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte, ha riempito l’area antistante il parco Le Navi. L’evento, organizzato da Bikini Disco Dinner e Cocoricò, ha visto come guest star Antonio Ferrari, alias dj[…]
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“I believe broaden your mind and listening to everything is fundamental.” Carola Pisaturo is the owner of Italian label Claque Music, and a woman for whom the intricate art of electronic music production is very close to her heart. A true purveyor of quality sounds, Pisaturo has been involved in[…]
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Dj Ralf & Carola Pisaturo on Italy’s top 10 DJs: 2015 from Pulse Radio Dj Ralf One of the old school Italian DJs, Ralf is maybe the only real survivor of the Italo Disco scene, still packing all the clubs of the peninsula, including Cocoricò – where he’s been resident[…]
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Anyone who’s followed the WOW! label to date (or indeed, the career of its owner, Mar-T), will be all too aware of just how influential the label is to fans in the modern house and techno domain. Much of that is attributable to the label releasing the sort of 4/4[…]
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Inauguriamo con un live esclusivo di Giorgia Angiuli la prima serie di podcast firmati dagli artisti del nostro management. Segui il canale soundcloud de LATERRA management dove periodicamente verranno caricati mixati, tracce e remix inediti.
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Da James Brown ai Kraftwerk: Dj Ralf, padre della club culture italiana, ripercorre alla consolle l’evoluzione della musica riempipista Puntata speciale di Webnotte interamente dedicata a Lorenzo Cherubini. Per l’occasione Gino Castaldo ed Ernesto Assante si sono spostati a Cortona, nella Fortezza del Girifalco. Insieme all’artista e alla sua band[…]
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L’estate scorsa eravamo stati a Perugia ad Umbria Jazz 4/4, ovvero la giornata dello storico festival jazz umbro completamente appaltata a Ralf come direzione artistica, con assoluta carta bianca. Fra gli artisti che volle con sé sul palco (oltre ad Ellen Allien, fra gli altri, o al gotha del jazz[…]
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For the second part of the Innervisions double-header, we’ve selected the amazing ‘Amore & Psiche’ by up and coming talent Luca Ballerini. The Italian producer has been seriously impressing us recently and his last release on Cocoon was a side-winding techno voyage. We heard Sven Väth play A-side ‘L’ Eternita[…]
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Secret Weapons EP Part 7 Agoria – Alluvion Eagles & Butterflies – The Story That Never Ends Chasing Kurt – Running Searching (Michael Gracioppo Remix) Coyu – Just Nin (He Cries At Night) Andre Lodemann Remix LUCA BALLERINI – Amore & Psiche goldFFinch – Diatomic Simon Haydo – Ominous Monoloc[…]
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Domenica 22 Marzo su Radio2 in the Mix Carola Pisaturo per Dj Bag..!! Quattro chiacchiere con Lele Sacchi parlando della prossimissima uscita Claque Musique e della label romana Puas Puas ! Facebook Twitter
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There was a time when Rome had conquered the whole of the known world… Well, the world has got a whole lot bigger since then, but that hasn’t stopped one eager Roman trying to make a name for herself. Hailing from the Italian capital (and Naples) Carola Pisaturo has been[…]
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In occasione della serata all’Amnesia di Milano, Carola Pisaturo intersta per ON MY WAY #1
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Cìò che importa è l’emozione che provoca! Dati alla mano, Luca Ballerini ha tutte le carte in regola per costruirsi una solida carriera artistica. Da curriculum, ricordiamo l’uscita su Cocoon e una release in arrivo su Innervisions, solo per citarne alcune. Musical Metaphor invece è la sua personalissima etichetta, uno[…]
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The Italian dj and producer Memoryman aka Uovo got his new ep “Love” out on Flashmob Ltd. His musical works over the past years cover some variously shaped but like-minded tempered sounds between house, deep house and disco edits ranging from 90 to 120bpm on labels like Puas Puas, It’s[…]
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